A website is any company’s life. Be it a business or a firm, people working for the same across the globe have a website for sure. Not only that, there are many individuals who have their own websites and this doesn’t include only celebrities and well known people of the world, a particular company or country. Many people have many websites which are created in different ways. We will today see a website from a consumer’s point of view. We are going to analyse a website design standing in the shoes of a customer who requires either some products and services for you.
Why are we doing this? We are doing this because we have to know what our consumer needs and what actually is he served when he visits our website. our customer is the end user who ultimately gets what we create, it can be a product, a service or just some information of his use.
So, a customer would definitely like to visit a colourful website. Would I like a website with dull, boring colours? No! it is important to keep a website colourful as colours enhance the beauty of almost anything in the world. Dull colours might just make the look and feel of the website very boring. On the other hand, using extremely vibrant colours on the website might just put the visitor off! Use subtle colours which are good and inviting to look at. Different individuals may like different colours according to their personality, liking and disliking. Every person has a different taste when it comes to colours which they reflect in their clothing or colour choices of things they carry like ipods, mobile phones etc. the colour choice may vary but some standards are definitely to be avoided when it is about colours on your website and these aspects include too low and too loud colours as well.
Now let’s talk about the content. As a visitor on the websites, would I like to read to much of text? Would I have that kind of time to keep on reading text of 4 to 5 long pages in order to get any sort of information? The answer is no! Everybody nowadays has a busy life. They want to get through whatever they want online in no more than a few seconds which is very much justified. Just keep the text to the point, without beating around the bush! The text has to inform the user about what he desires to learn in a short while, with simple, relevant and yet impressive text. On the other hand, very less text will also be equally bad. The text has to carry complete information with the aim of it achieved. The text has a power which is to guide the visitors and tell them exactly what they need to know.
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